
The BID Mission

The Junction Business Improvement District (BID) stands as a cornerstone of support and development for our levy payers, providing an essential infrastructure that underpins our thriving commercial community.

Through a strategic focus on marketing, safety, community engagement and communication, our mission is to ensure Clapham Junction remains a dynamic and prosperous area for businesses and visitors alike, with a focus on positioning the area as a destination location, not just an interchange. This can be summarised in the three key themes highlighted by BID area businesses during the extensive consultation before the 2024 ballot:


The Junction BID Marketing & Promotion

The BID works to attract footfall and customer spend to the town centre by showcasing what the area has to offer using a full mix of marketing tools. New signposting to capitalise on the opportunities created by the busy station interchange, building a new, mobile-optimised town centre website, implementing a social media strategy, helping businesses build their own online presence, and developing employee incentives to shop and buy locally – these are just a selection of initiatives we are developing to build a distinct brand identity for Clapham Junction.


The Junction BID Safe & Welcoming

The BID works closely with the local authority and police to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour, making the area more attractive and inviting for regular customers, visitors and employees. With initiatives such as street art and planting to brighten up dull areas, along with additional street cleansing for high footfall areas, particularly around Clapham Junction station, we are creating a welcoming gateway to our business community.


The Junction BID Events & Festivals

The BID works with traders’ associations and community groups to promote an exciting annual program of events, raising the profile of the area and highlighting its businesses. This includes investment and support for existing annual events such as the Northcote Road and St John’s Hill summer festivals, along with new events such as the coordinated festive event and campaign to attract extra footfall during the Christmas retail period.

Find out how to support the BID...

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