Anthony Ioannou

Job Role: St. John’s Hill Business Association and Director of Abacus Ark Ltd

As Chair of The Junction BID, Anthony is passionate about providing support to the local community and businesses...

Anthony was born and bred in London and, after completing his A-levels, he left the capital for four years to study Mathematics at Durham University. Post-graduation, Anthony returned to the City to begin a seven-year stint with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, focusing on the banking sector.

Following a short secondment with the banking regulator, Anthony became a Capital and Liquidity Risk Management Consultant for a variety of investment banks. In 2013, and after a successful career in the financial sector, Anthony took a complete U-turn and ventured into building a small chain of day nurseries – Abacus Ark – two of which are based in the London Borough of Wandsworth.

Following the setup of Abacus Ark on St John's Hill, Anthony joined the St John’s Hill Business Association and became Chair in 2017, going on to organise the annual street fair. He also lives in the area with his wife, Moira, who gave birth to their first son, Donnacha, at the end of 2018.

Anthony has a real passion for providing support to the local community and businesses and, as Chair of The Junction BID, he works with his colleagues to deliver numerous strategies and innovative projects in the BID locale.