There's a Buzz About Town!

Post Date: 16 Aug 2024

Did you know that in the heart of Clapham Junction, we have a beehive with approximately 50,000 bees?

The roof on the PCS Union Building (Falcon Road) is buzzing with a beehive which supports biodiversity and helps protect our pollinating friends, in what's otherwise a densely urban area!


Watch the hardworking PCS bees in action and discover a swarm of interesting bee facts…

Information from indicates that, since 1947 we’ve lost 97% of our flower-rich meadows and hundreds of our pollinator species are in decline, with the bee population diminishing year on year.


We all know that honey bees are a vital cog in the circle of life so, aside from producing delicious locally-grown honey, the PCS beehive is playing an active role in providing shelter and protecting these blooming marvellous pollinators which contribute so much to food production and the diversity of our environment.


Clapham Junction may be home to the UK’s busiest interchange station, connecting people across the country, but remember, just around the corner, the PCS beehive is part of another important network, connecting insect pathways across our landscape!


Video and image credits: Glenn Dunbar Photography

#savethebees #worldhoneybeeday #nationalhoneybeeday


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